To identify the common values in the team, and to decide on an operating mode in harmony with individual values.

The gaming box for those who want to feel thrilled again in managing and pushing their team to smile again !
The box allows to take an efficient but fun break, and work on serious stuff to strengthen your team’s performance.
A real learning tool meant to practice and share a kindly, smart and stimulating management.
why the Management Box ?
Games in the box are powerful tools as well for boosting the involvement or lessening any pressure…
basically, you can’t be more efficient if you want to gather people’s resources,
both in terms of their minds and experience.
Therefore, we have tried to gather the ingredients of an apprenticeship in our management box, which should be :
the games

Frequency & length:
Whenever you want
You’ve read the book, haven’t you ? This is a mini how-to quiz of the good habits to adopt,
in order to bring back smiles upon the managers’ and his team’s faces !

Frequency & length:
Every 3 months / 45mn
Identifying your main sources of individual and team motivation.

Frequency & length:
Game 3.1 : Every 6 months / 45mn
Game 3.2 : Tous les 6 mois / 45mn
Game 3.1 : Identifying your level of autonomy and in which direction it can be improved.
Game 3.2 : Progressing in your activities whilst determining learning objectives.

Frequency & length:
When you need it / 30mn
Helping one another to improve, to work on one’s strengths and discover one’s axes of improvement.

Frequency & length:
As you like / 45mn
Spreading the concepts of the « Fish philosophy » within your team.

Frequency & length:
As you like / 10mn per subject
Outlining the level of delegation the team has in terms of decisions: on which subject the team can take the lead
and decide on its own, on which the decision is shared and which is decided by the manager.

Frequency & length:
Every 6 months / 45mn
Getting to know each other and developing closer relationships between teammates/colleagues.

Frequency & length:
Every 3 months / 1h30 per session
Establishing a team agreement on its ways of functioning, by detecting possible annoying stuff to dismiss or handle. Some kind of charter for good behavior between teammates can then be defined.

Frequency & length:
When you need it / 1h
Helping the team uncover and minimizing the beliefs preventing the team’s efficiency.

Frequency & length:
When you need it / 1mn
Developing quick and effective ways of functioning in order to facilitate exchanges and achievement of the team’s purposes. This game develops a state of mind linking efficiency and simplicity.

Frequency & length:
When you need it / 10mn by subject
To enable everyone to work together
on a mutual trust basis, and to commit the development of good habits, whether individually or in a team.

Frequency & length:
Once a year
order the management box
- 1 Website
- 20GB Disk Space
- SSD Included FREE
- E-Commerce Ready
- Unlimited Bandwidth
(without training session)- 1 Management Box
- Livraison incluse
- Without demonstration
+ ½ day training session- 1 Management Box
- Hand delivery
- 4 games covered
+ 1 day training session- 1 Management Box
- Hand delivery
- 8 games covered
Tested, Liked and approved